Friday, January 8, 2010

Bite Me // Coins + Exp Cheat

Cheat Tools:
  • Charles
  • Firefox

1. Go to Bite Me
2. Make sure you already downloaded charles proxy
3. Now , Open Charles
4. Do a mission that earns you exp and coins (the higher the mission level, the more exp and coins you earn)
5. At the victory screen , check your charles.
6. Find the url ""
7. Expand it and you will see alot of "game"
8. Right click the last 'game' and select repeat advanced
9. Write 100000 for Iterations and 5 for Concurrency ,
10. Wait for few minutes and click the Shop, valentina or the marshall and see that your gold and xp are increasing
11. This should get you to max level (level 15) in minutes .
12. Just let the game run or repeat the same process until you are satisfied
13. You will get Sanga Credit too as you level up.

  • Credits: TIRONG


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